Currently many employers place more value on a positive attitude than experience and education. Education and experience are highly valued and necessary for many occupations, but valuing yourself, knowing your strengths and understanding how you express happiness and overcome sad moods are also necessary. Take a moment to take the depression survey
CES-D Questionnaire. While depression is a serious medical condition that needs to be treated immediately by a medical doctor, it is possible to have a negative attitude or appear depressed on a survey due to circumstances or personality traits. These surveys will give you an idea of what an employer might be looking for. This is an assessment of how positive you are feeling today. You can change your state of happiness or temporary sad mood through learning gratitude, positive thinking and resiliency. Talk with a doctor, crisis line counselor or career coach if you feel sad or less happy after taking this assessment.
Employers today are testing your positive attitude through online or written assessments and watching your body language. Learning your strengths and how to express them will help you show a positive attitude and give you words to describe yourself on your resume and in interviews. Try not to think too long about your answers. Trust your first response. Each assessment takes approximately 10-20 minutes. You will need an email address to take the assessments. You can access assessments at:
Fordyce Emotions Questionnaire - measures current happiness
Brief Strengths Test - measure 24 character strengths
Have fun and share your results. These assessments are meant to give you words to describe yourself and and idea of how you might come across to an employer on an assessment. This is not telling you who you are or diagnosing an emotional or medical condition.