August 10, 2005

Job Search Strategy

Know Yourself:

  • Know the essentials that you need for employment such as ID, phone number and/or email address, clothes for interview, etc.
  • Have a master resume or master application to gather detailed employment and education history.
  • Gather as much information as possible about employers, dates, salary, and supervisors.
  • Write down a goal. If you write it down you are more likely to make it happen.
  • List your skills that you would like to use at work.
  • List other skills or experience you can use if necessary to reach your Goal.

Market Yourself:

  • Be able to verbally describe your strengths, skills, and experience. We all have strengths and skills. We just need to know how to market them.
  • Prepare a general resume. If possible prepare a target resume after your job search. Use a one page chronological or functional format or a combination of both.
  • Be Prepared. Know where you are going, how to get there, and information about whom you are seeing.
  • Be on time or a little early to every appointment.
  • Look your best (neat, clean, not casual, and not overdone).
  • Smile, be enthusiastic, and let the employer know why you want to work for them (think of a reason besides money or convenience). Tell them why you like their product or vision.

Know your market:

  • Search job listings for jobs that fit your skills and experience.
  • Put jobs in categories if there is more than one type of job you are looking for.
  • If possible learn about companies that you want to work for. Who they are hiring, their mission or vision, and their product or service.
  • Know your objective -- state the position or type of job you are applying for. Write a sentence describing your skills that match employer needs.

Have a Plan:

  • Steps you will take to make yourself employable, get the job, and build your skills and experience.
  • What will you do this week to accomplish your goal?

Reach Out:

  • Involve others in your job search strategy.
  • Let others know your strengths, skills, and goals.
  • Ask an objective person to look at your resume and cover letter for readability, clarity, and spelling.
  • Seek out a Career Center (see side links) or LifeWork Design Coach